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DBSA Boston Monthly Speakers’ Series Friday, January 27, 2023 at 6 p.m. ET

“Challenges and Rewards of Parenting in Mental Health Recovery:
Perspectives from Parents and Adult Children,” a panel of members of the Center of Excellence (COE) Parenting Project.

Click here to watch a recording of the talk.

Parenting in Recovery as a Catalyst of Change
Caregivers with mental health and/or substance misuse challenges and their children often feel shame and stigma from their communities when it comes to parenting. A team of Certified Peer Specialists at the Massachusetts General Hospital COE for Psychosocial and Systemic Research created two videos designed for both people with lived experience and healthcare workers. On these, parents say how they managed to raise their families; and children talk about their experiences. January 27, a peer team from the COE will lead a facilitated viewing of these videos and a discussion.

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