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DBSA Boston Monthly Speakers’ Series Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 7 p.m. ET

Hadassah Margolis, MSW, LICSW, a clinical social worker and the Director of Inpatient Group Therapy at McLean Hospital will lead an Interactive discussion of the Benefits of Group Therapy

Click here to watch a recording of the talk.

Description of Presentation
With group therapy, you get the best of both worlds: the ear of a trained therapist, and the expertise and compassion of your peers. Members learn about themselves by understanding one another through collective learning. Come join Hadassah Margolis for an interactive discussion on the importance of group therapy in the recovery process, and how, in particular, groups on the intersection of spirituality and mental health can lead to transformative experiences.

Bio of Presenter
Hadassah Margolis, MSW, LICSW is a clinical social worker and the Director of Inpatient Group Therapy at McLean Hospital. From 2019 to 2023, she was the inaugural head of the group therapy program at Brandeis’s Counseling Center, and she was the founding Lead Therapist at McLean’s Spirituality and Mental Health Department, where she helped develop the hospital’s first-ever Spirituality and Treatment groups.

With 20 years of clinical experience in inpatient, partial hospital, outpatient, and day treatment settings, Hadassah teaches eco-anxiety and student activism courses at Brandeis University and maintains a private practice specializing in group therapy facilitation, training, and supervision at various community organizations, houses of worship, and colleges. In all her work, there is a common thread: Hadassah creates civic infrastructure and makes it possible for people to transform themselves through dialogue, reflection, and common action. Hadassah is a 2020 Commonwealth Heroine and a 2019 CJP Chai in the Hub honoree. Visit: https://hadassahmargolis.com/.

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