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Speakers’ Series: Wednesday, November 13, 7:30 p.m. EDT

November 13, 2019: “Tai Chi,” Aisling O’Shea.

As a Tai Chi Qigong practitioner and coach, Aisling’s goal is to help others develop a regular practice that promotes relaxation, improves energy and strengthens the mind and body’s capacity for stress management and self-healing. Aisling has been learning and practicing various forms of Tai Chi and Qigong for more than twenty years. She completed a Tai Chi EasyTM Practice Leader training with Roger Janke at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck NY and currently teaches a bi-monthly Tai Chi class at the Belmont Public Library. Aisling’s work as an environmental practitioner focuses on restoring and preserving healthy aquatic ecosystems.

Tai Chi is a valuable self-care practice, which enhances the body’s natural capacity to heal itself and has been shown to reduce stress, improve energy, balance, and flexibility and support an overall sense of well-being. During this presentation, Aisling will provide an overview of Tai Chi, including the main elements of this mind-body practice, research findings on the health benefits of Tai Chi, and observations based on personal experience and student feedback. There will be time for questions, discussion, and information on additional resources to learn more about the practice and benefits of Tai Chi.

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