Ready To Find A Support Group?

Every Wednesday, 7–8 p.m.

Want To Find A Support Group

Every Wednesday, 7–8 p.m.

Join Us For Our Speaker Series

Every 4th Friday, 6 p.m.

View Upcoming Groups And Events

Welcome To DBSA Boston!

DBSA Boston (Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Boston, formerly known as MDDA-Boston) is a non-profit, self-help support organization run by volunteers, for people diagnosed or who feel they have or experienced mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder, and for family and friends. DBSA members come together to support each other and share information with others who are in similar situations. Mood disorders impact millions of people and their families and friends every year. Coping with these disorders is difficult enough, but coping alone can be even tougher. Come, join our online support groups.


Support Groups Zoom Schedule

DBSA Boston Share Care Guidelines

DBSA Boston Calendar


We ask that you attend a one-hour Newcomers Meeting, held every Wednesday evening from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom, for an orientation to DBSA Boston. You’ll have the chance to learn about our online groups, ask all your questions, and experience a support group in a small group setting with an experienced facilitator. The link and passcode are the same each week.

Become a Member of DBSA

DBSA Boston is a volunteer-run organization that depends on your support. If you are able to, please become a member, or make a donation, however small. Thank you for your support