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About Us

The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Boston (DBSA Boston) strives to help its members live healthy and dignified lives. We provide a safe and secure setting for people to share with each other their own experiences and to care for each other.

We believe that knowledge of biologically-based illnesses such as depression and bipolar disorder empowers members to better live with psychiatric illnesses. Participation in peer-led support groups forms an essential element in formulating a wellness strategy.

We offer over seventy support groups every month, serving the needs of people with a mood disorder and their family and friends. Our membership is over 300 and we typically have over 100 attend our Wednesday evening meetings. Most of our support groups meet online. Currently we offer an in-person meetings in Boston, Arlington, and Waltham.

In addition to our support groups, we provide a monthly speakers’ series on a wide range of mental health topics. Some of these speakers share their own lived experiences with mood disorders.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Stay in touch with DBSA Boston

Learn about our upcoming programs and ways you can become involved.

Contact Us

DBSA Boston
P.O. Box 102
115 Mill Street
Belmont, MA 02478

Tel: 617-855-2795
Fax: 617-855-3666
Email: Info@dbsaboston.org