Home | Share Care Committee

Share Care Committee

DBSA Boston Share Care Committee


The Share Care Committee sets policy regarding training, methods, and format. It arbitrates disputes, investigates complaints, approves the formation of new groups, analyzes data on attendance, identifies trends, and tries to accommodate the needs of facilitators and groups.

It is the Share Care Committee’s intent to always exercise its authority with compassion and sensitivity.


Representatives of the Board of Directors: (per the DBSA By-laws)

Vice President and Chair of Share Care: Joe B. Joe@dbsaboston.org
President: Mary J.


Coordinators: (by designation of the Share Care committee)

Wednesday Night Facilitator Coordinator: Meach C.
Daytime Facilitator Coordinator: Amanda G.


At-Large Members (Selected by a vote of the Share Care committee)

Allison R.
Chuck W.
Dana-Zoe G.
Lillian C.
Meach C.
Michele O.


We endeavor to provide a structure whereby participation in this committee is open to new members who can infuse this committee with new ideas, initiatives, and fresh perspectives. If you have an interest in serving on the Share Care Committee, please notify any member and we will consider your membership when we have a vacancy.

To contact the Share Care Committee please email

To contact an individual member of the Share Care Committee, use the format shown for Joe, see above: Firstname@dbsaboston.org. For Dana-Zoe use DanaZoe.

Last updated: 05/06/2024