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Newcomers Information

Welcome To DBSA Boston!

If you are interested in an In-Person meeting, there is no need to attend the Zoom Newcomers Meeting.

We ask that you attend a one-hour Newcomers Meeting, held every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ET, on Zoom, for an orientation to DBSA Boston. You’ll have the chance to learn about our online groups, ask all your questions, and experience a support group in a small group setting with an experienced facilitator. The link and passcode are the same each week. (See below for instructions.)  See Online Support Group Schedule for our Newcomers Support Group.

Please arrive on time. We have a lot of information to cover. We will close the Zoom room at 7:05 p.m. If you can’t make it by then, please try again another week.

Our online support groups, via Zoom video conferencing, are free and open to anyone age 18 or older who has a mood disorder or has a close family member or friend with a mental health issue. There is no charge for the meetings.

DBSA Boston provides peer-led support groups. Our facilitators are not therapists but are trained volunteers.

If you find the groups helpful as you attend them, we do hope you will consider becoming a member of DBSA Boston, but it is not required.

If you know of anyone who would benefit from DBSA Boston, please share this webpage.

When you use Zoom at DBSA Boston, we ask that you turn on your camera. It is reassuring to all the participants to be able to see each other’s faces.

To attend the Newcomers Zoom meeting, Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. ET:

  • If you don’t have the free Zoom app, go to Technical Help for Zoom Groups for information on Zoom meetings. Download the free Zoom app.
  • On Wednesday, at about 6:55 p.m., log into the Newcomers Zoom Meeting by clicking on this link: 6178550009
  • Email zoominfo@dbsaboston.org for the current password. You will receive an automated reply with a direct link to the newcomers meeting (meeting ID is 6178550009) and all other meetings.
  • If you don’t have a computer, tablet, or smartphone:
    • Call in at 646-558-8656
    • Enter meeting number 6178550009
    • Follow the prompts (you won’t have a participant’s number. Please say your name, which the facilitator will hear when you enter the meeting.)
    • To speak during the meeting, press *6 (this will unmute you)
    • When you stop speaking, press *6 again. (*6 works both to mute and unmute)
    • Please identify yourself (first name) and let the facilitator know you are unable to access Zoom.

Please email Mary@dbsaboston.org for any questions about the Newcomers Group.

For questions about Zoom, email TechHelp@dbsaboston.org.

Last updated: 10/03/2024