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Support Group Guidelines

Abbreviated Guidelines for Online Share Care Groups* (June 19, 2024)

*These guidelines will be read at groups

By attending an online support group offered by DBSA Boston, you agree to comply with the following guidelines. It is your responsibility to read and familiarize yourself with the full guidelines, which are posted below.

  • Please keep your camera on during check-in, and please strive to limit off camera time to the 10-minute break, except for eating, driving, etc.
  • We share only our personal experiences
  • We share the air. No one person should monopolize group time.
  • We treat all with compassion, do not judge or discriminate and respect the
    diversity of the group. This includes race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age and religion.
  • We speak in “I” statements and do not impose our views on others
  • We maintain confidentiality; what we say here stays here
  • We avoid the following topics: politics, graphic sexual themes, suicidal methods, and details of traumatic events
  • We refrain from interrupting participants; please keep your microphone on mute until it is your time to speak; please keep chat messages to a minimum
  • Smartphones may be used to attend a meeting; please refrain from using them for any other purpose
  • Please do not smoke/vape on camera or attend a meeting while impaired
  • If a group member is unable to follow the guidelines or needs more help
    than the group can offer, the facilitator may refer them to a support person or
    other web-based resources, or decide to remove them from the meeting
  • These guidelines apply to all DBSA Boston groups, meetings, and activities

DBSA Boston Full Guidelines for Groups and Meetings (Sep 27, 2021)

By attending an online support group at DBSA Boston, you agree to comply with the following guidelines.

  • DBSA Boston invites all who cope with mood disorders, and their family and friends, to support each other through sharing and caring.
  • We share our feelings, experiences, and coping strategies by sharing only our personal experiences.
  • We treat all with compassion and dignity.
  • We do not confront, judge, or discriminate.
  • We are careful not to impose our views on others.
  • We maintain confidentiality. What we say here stays here. Please be careful when attending an online group to ensure that no one is privy to what you or others in the group are saying. If you are not in a private room, please use headphones.
  • To ensure safety and confidentiality, please refrain from talking about other members in or outside of support groups.
  • We avoid the following topics as they may unintentionally harm some participants: politics, graphic sexual themes, suicidal methods, and details of traumatic events.
  • We share the air. No one person should monopolize group time.
  • We refrain from interrupting participants during group.
  • While many may find comfort in the embrace of religion and spirituality, we do not impose our views on others.
  • By joining any DBSA online group or meeting, you agree to hold DBSA harmless for any potential breach of confidentiality and/or discomfort within the meeting. DBSA expects but cannot guarantee complete confidentiality due to the semi-public nature of online groups.
  • Smartphones may be used to attend an online meeting but please refrain from using them for any other purposes during a meeting. Note-taking by participants is not allowed.
  • Our groups are peer-led and thus are not therapy groups. Group leaders are not therapists, but trained volunteers whose primary goal is to maintain the safety and integrity of the group.
  • Do not attend DBSA meetings or events while impaired by alcohol, recreational cannabis, or any illegal substance.
  • Smoking (of any kind) is not allowed during Zoom meetings.
  • Most meetings have support buddies who meet with individuals in up to a 15-minute breakout room who want or need one-on-one attention. If a group member is unable to follow the guidelines or needs more help than the group can offer, the facilitator may refer that person to other resources on our website (dbsaboston.org) or may remove that person from the meeting.

These guidelines apply to DBSA support groups, Facilitator meetings, Share Care meetings, Board meetings, and all other DBSA-sponsored meetings.