Home | Zoom Update for DBSA Boston

Zoom Update for DBSA Boston

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On Saturday, May 4, 2024, Zoom will require users to be using version 5.15.5 or higher to access any Zoom meetings (version 5.15.0 for Blackberry). This is part of the Zoom Software Quarterly Lifecycle Policy. If you have not updated your Zoom Workspace desktop app by then, you will be prompted to update before you can join a meeting.

Read this Zoom Support article for help on verifying the Zoom version number you are on. To update from your computer, sign in to the Zoom desktop client (application), click your profile picture, then select Check for Updates. From your mobile device, find Zoom in your App store to get updates. You can also use a web browser on any device and visit https://zoom.us/download to download the latest version.

Zoom Workplace Version 6 is now available! Here is information about some of the changes.

Meeting Toolbar

Icons on the meeting toolbar can now be rearranged by dragging them into the order you want. You can even add less frequently used icons into the “More” section and then access them from there. This does not apply to Audio and Video (shown on the far left of the meeting toolbar) or when leaving or ending the meeting (shown on the far right).

If you want to configure it to the way it was previously, the icons were in the following order: Security (only for Hosts and Co-Hosts – now named “Host Tools”), Participants, Chat, Share Screen, Show Captions, Breakout Rooms (Host/Co-host only), Reactions, Raise Hand, and Apps. (All of these may not be available, or you may have more depending on your version, device, and options set by the account owner.)


Previously the icon controlling sound was called “Mute” and “Unmute” depending on whether the microphone was on or off. Now to control sound, the icon is simply named “Audio.” When muted, a red slash line appears. Otherwise, you are unmuted.


Previously the icon controlling video was called “Start Video” and “Stop Video” depending on whether the camera was on or off. Now the icon is simply called “Video”. When there is a red slash line though it, the camera is off. If not, your video is on.

Leaving or Ending the Meeting

Previously to leave or end the meeting you would click the red box in the bottom right corner. If you were a Participant or Co-host, the button said “Leave.” If you were the Host, it said “End.” Now for Participants or Co-hosts, there is an icon with a drawing of a person walking out a door. It is still labeled “Leave.” For Hosts, the icon looks like the outline of a red stop sign with a white “X” in it. It is still labeled “End.”


Previously the “Reactions” icon looked like a smiley face. Now the icon looks like a heart.

Host and Co-host Controls

Previously, the main location for changing in-meeting settings was in the “Security” icon (this only appears when you are the Host or Co-host). The icon has been renamed to “Host Tools.”

More information can be found by searching the Zoom Support website at support.zoom.us

Please contact TechHelp@dbsaboston.org with any questions. We hope you enjoy the new Zoom Workplace!

Help! My device won’t allow me to update!

If your device is not able to update to Zoom version 5.15 or higher you may still be able to join a DBSA Boston Zoom meeting through your web browser:

  1. Go to join.zoom.us
  2. Enter the meeting ID – see Online Support Group Schedule
  3. Select Join
  4. A dialog box may appear (see specific browser info below)
    1. Chrome
      1. Open zoom.us.app?
      2. Select Cancel
    2. Safari
      1. Do you want to allow this page to open “zoom.us.app”?
      2. Select Cancel
    3. Firefox
      1. Allow this site to open the zoommtg link with zoom.us?
      2. Select Cancel
  5. At the bottom of the page find Having issues with Zoom client? and click the link next to it: Join from Your Browser
    1. You may need to allow your browser to access your camera and microphone
  6. Enter your name and select Join

For more information visit Getting started with Zoom Meetings

Last updated: 05/01/2024