NAMIWalks 2024

NAMI Walks Massachusetts – May 18, 2024, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

The Parkman Bandstand at the Boston Common

I would like to take this time to remind everyone who wishes to be on the DBSA Boston “we are believers” team to register. The sooner you register, the more donations you will get and even if you don’t get many, you are helping to raise awareness. I’m so lucky this year. I have two co-captains this year, Caitlin and Meach, who are from the Young Adults Group. Both of them are a great asset to DBSA for all they do. I would like to highlight what NAMI means to Caitlin.

“In Our Own Voice was my first step into the larger mental health community. I started presenting virtually, during Covid. NAMI Mass hosted a training and taught us the structure to tell our stories. In this program, two people share their lived experience with mental illness with groups like classes, companies, and law enforcement trainings.

Usually I end up presenting for a NAMIMass Family-to-Family virtual class. Whenever I do, I think of my mom, who took the class when I was first diagnosed in 2006 as a teenager. I love giving back to the program that was so helpful with resources for my mom.

I’m proud to present for In Our Own Voice. It’s taught me that not only my story and my voice are powerful, but also my perspective as a peer. It taught me that everything I went through can be used as a tool to bust stigma and advocate for myself and the mental health community.”

This made me cry, thinking how proud her mom must be of her. I’m including all of our emails addresses. Please feel free to contact any of us with questions about the walk.

Activities Chair: Lillian Cravotta-Crouch

Check out our promotional videos from this year’s participants!

Last updated: 5/15/2024
